
Breakthroughs begin with the Curiosity Cube Sparking Curiosity in the Next Generation of Scientists


The Curiosity Cube app brings the fun of science to students in an interactive, accessible way. Explore three unique experiments to learn about the different elements that exist around us and the important roles they play in our lives. Ask, vote on, and watch curious question videos from students just like you, and learn about diverse careers in STEM directly from MilliporeSigma scientists.


Available on Google Chrome

Elements in Nature

Identify and remove different contaminants in water while learning about elements in nature.

Elements in Technology

Learn how a variety of elements are used to build technology, such as a smartphone.

Elements in the Body

Learn what elements are found in different types of food and the impact they have on your body.

I'm curious to know...

Let us know what you are curious about by asking a Curious Question! You can also vote on the questions others submit that you would like to know more about and watch video answers to the most popular ones.

A Day in the Life of a STEM Expert

Learn about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), and more from real-life MilliporeSigma experts.

Experience the
app now!


Available on Google Chrome

App Store
Google Play